
PGL Lady President

It is an honour that Mrs Lee Meharg Ards Bowling Club has been elected as President of the NIWPGL for 2017.

It is my pleasure and honour to have been selected by Ards Bowling Club to serve as President of the Northern Ireland Women's Private Greens League.
Myself and my late husband Gordon Wolff joined the club in the early 80's, Unfortunately Gordon passed away suddenly in July 1995.
Mrs Agnes Fulton asked me to join the bowls section almost 22 years ago and it was the best thing i did after his death.
I then went on the committee and i have been Hon Secretary for the Ladies section for the last 20 years.
In 2002 i was Lady President as Mrs A Wolff and again in 2010 as Mrs A Meharg.
I know i have a busy year ahead, But i trust i will have the support of the Ladies Committee.
It is almost 20 years since the late Mrs Angus Fulton had the honour of being President of the NIWPGL and i am delighted to have the same privilege.
I can assure Ards Bowling Club that i will carry out my duties to the best of my ability and make the club proud.
I look forward to the NIWPGL flag unfurling which will take place on Thursday 6th April 2017 at 1.30 pm. 

Mrs A Meharg.