The function hall roof was badly damaged during storm Eowyn and unfortunately it has had to be closed until assessments, repairs, etc. have been carried out and it is declared safe to use.
The Committee have asked everyone to be patient during this period and they will update everyone with progress reports as they become available. Updates will be posted here, on Facebook and via Club WhatsApp groups.
The bar and conservatory areas will continue to open and function as normal . Any unctions that were already booked in the hall will be moved into the bar area whenever possible.
Are you thinking about taking up lawn bowls?
Do you live in Newtownards or the surrounding area?
to arrange a visit to our club and give it a try.
New male and female members are always welcome.
Six reasons to take up the sport -
1. There's a Club near you.
2. The Rules are simple.
3. It's an all year round sport.
(outdoor during summer, indoor during winter)
4. It's a gentle way to get active.
5. There's a social side.
6. It's a sport for all.
Bowls is a social sport, suitable for all levels of fitness. Health professionals recommend playing bowls, particularly for older people, as it provides a number of health benefits, including: improved fitness. improved coordination and skill development. increased confidence and self-esteem.
The Donnelly Group Foundation
Sponsor New Club Mats and Jacks
Donnelly Group launched 'The Donnelly Group Foundation' with the aim of supporting the Local Community & Improving the Impact of their Charitable Donations, Events & Initiatives.
The Donnelly Group Foundation have kindly supplied the Club with new match mats and jacks, and their donation is very much appreciated.